Teeth straightening

How your teeth look can affect your self confidence, and making the decision to straighten your teeth can be exciting and a little daunting. You may be excited about having a new, straight smile, but concerned about how you will look while your teeth are changing.

At Southwick Green Dental & Implant Clinic we have options for near-invisible teeth straightening solutions. No-one will know you are wearing braces, so you can keep smiling even through treatment. 

    Southwick Green Private Nhs Dentist Brighton 47

    Invisalign, our teeth straightening solution

    Our dentists will discuss all the options with you to find the best programme for you. Click on the button below to find out more about Invisalign, our teeth straightening solution. Invisalign discreetly straightens your teeth with a series of clear aligners.

    Portman Dental Care Awards

    Fmc 2019 Award Logo
    Award Logo 2018
    Dental Industry Award - Portman Dental Care
    Private Dentistry Awards - Portman Dental Care
    The Dentistry Awards - Portman Dental Care
    Elite Practice Award - Portman Dental Care